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Meeting Minutes and Agenda



Park Forest Water District (Board) should at every regular meeting provide time for citizens to address the Board and the timeframe should be made public through the posted public notice. 

The information outlined below provides details on public comment procedures for in-person and virtual meetings. Members of the public can also submit their questions in writing to the office at for distribution to all board members.   Maximum 3 questions can be sent in advance per speaker to the office within 48 hours of a regular board meeting.

  • Public comment will be held shortly after the meeting is called to order
  • The President (or meeting presider) will explain the meeting procedures and call on speakers in order of their registration.
  • A public comment period will be held during the meeting. Each speaker will be allotted 5 minutes.  If you wish to speak, please sign up at the office with the registration form handed out.  Please address all comments to the Board, not to individual members or staff
  • Any questions submitted in advance within 48 hours will be read by the board, which can be any of the board members.


Additional Information

  • The President reserves the right to limit the time available for public comment.
  • Signs, banners, and other distracting items are not allowed in the state board room. Staff will ask you to leave materials outside the room or you may be asked to leave.
  • All speakers, and those in attendance, shall conduct themselves in a non-disruptive manner. Cheering, snapping, clapping and other distractions are not allowed during or upon completion of any public comment.
  • PFWD board members do not respond to public comments during this segment of the board meeting.
  • Public comment will not be taken at special meetings.

Do's and Don'ts for Giving Public Comment


§  Introduce yourself and where you are from. If you are speaking on behalf of an organization, identify the organization and your association.

§  If speaking to a specific agenda item, limit your remarks to the subject of the agenda item and avoid repeating what others have said.

§  Be brief, to the point, and concise.

§  Please silence all mobile devices.

§  If you believe an issue needs to be explained in-depth, and you bring handouts, please pass them to staff prior to making your comments. Be sure to include your name and date of the meeting on the handout.


§  Attempt to argue or debate with the board.

§  Discuss personnel matters with the board. This should be done in private with the chair and/or vice-chair of the board.



Please be aware that this meeting may be recorded. By attending, you consent to being recorded.

Agenda                                                                                               Minutes                                                                             
January 8th 2025 AgendaJanuary 8th 2025 Minutes
Jan 30th 2025 Special Meeting AgendaJanuary 30th 2025 Minutes
Feb 12th 2025 Agenda 
March 12th Agenda 

Jan 8 2014 Agenda.PDF Jan 8 2014 Minutes.PDF