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PFWD Well Information

Well #1 - Permit #2064-F

Drilled in 1958, Depth 1,200'

New Pump in 1977

Camera in 2014 - well shaft is bent and pump and be pulled

Well #2 - Permit 021191-F, abandoned in 1998

Drill 1960, Depth 721'

Well #3R

Re-drilled 2006, Depth 1,200'

New Pump 2006

Well #4 - Permt #21941-F

Drilled in 1977, Depth 2,022'

New pump and rehab in 2012

Well #5

Drilled in 1998, Depth 2,170'

New pump and rehab - 2023


*All wells were setup to a SCADA systems with soft starts and surge protectors in 2013